Rock ‘N’ Bowl on August 8th!

lebowski1Hey gang, as most of you know I am involved in an educational program (through the Urban Youth Association) at the Marian Anderson Center. It is a program where we work on improving that the math and writing skills of teenagers. We have incredible tutors (most of whom I know through quizzo, by the way, in another example of what a cool community we have here) and a terrific program. But like most programs it is not free to run. Therefore we are having a Rock ‘n’ Bowl Fundraiser on Saturday, August 8th at Saint Monica’s Lanes. $20 will get you bowling, beer, and live music. Try to find a better deal than that in the city. Even better, 100% of your $20 is going to a very worthy cause that I believe in whole-heartedly. I have sent out facebook invites to many of you (If you want to be friends on facebook, just hit me up here.) If you are going to be in the city that weekend, please seriously consider coming out. Your support would be greatly appreciated. I will have tickets on sale at quizzo this week and next.

One thought on “Rock ‘N’ Bowl on August 8th!

  1. I hear the singer for the “live music” is a hot one, and she can coordinate program's like nobody's business.

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