Thanksgiving Foods Quiz

All of the following questions deal with Thanksgiving foods.

  1. This was introduced by General Foods in 1972, after being developed by a research team of nobel prize winning scientists. I need a brand name in the answer.
  2. Whose debut album was called “Everybody Else is Doing It, So Why Can’t We?”
  3. This ACC team plays with a nickname, but their real name is the Fighting Gobblers.
  4. The makers of this brand of corn syrup are credited with popularizing pecan pie.
  5. This Ben and Jerry’s flavor is named after a hippie who was the official clown of the grateful dead.
  6. What dance move was popularized by Philadelphian Dee Dee Sharp in 1962?
  7. What is a favorite drink of the students at Hogwort’s school of Witches and Wizards?
  8. What song did Domino have a hit with in 1994?
  9. It’s a lucrative arrangement, or the name of an all beef dog food.
  10. What is the capital of Turkey?

  1. Stove Top Stuffing
  2. Cranberries
  3. Virginia Tech Hokies
  4. Karo
  5. Wavy Gravy
  6. The Mashed Potato
  7. Pumpkin juice
  8. Sweet Potato Pie
  9. Gravy Train
  10. Ankara

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