A few last thank yous

QB IV is now history, but before we move on, I did want to acknowledge a few folks. First of all, the good people at Zipcar for their help. People asked me, “Why didn’t you go with Philly Car Share?”, and the bottom line is that they weren’t interested in helping with QB IV and Zipcar was. In my book, score one for Zipcar for helping out local small business. Also, wanna thank the Locust Rendezvous. They were a huge help, and I hope that when you guys are thinking about where to grab your next drink, you consider the Rendezvous. An extremely friendly staff, one of the few places in Center City that serves pitchers, great prices, and a room full of characters that come free of charge. Speaking of beer, I got a lot of compliments regarding our choice of suds. Sly Fox came up huge, and $25 for all you can drink of top quality beer is almost unheard of, and I want to thank them for making that happen. The Beauty Shop Cafe, my neighborhood coffee shop, decided that they wanted to help out as well. Great spot on 20th and Fitzwater. Free wireless, great coffee, great tea, great bakes goods. The Philly Pretzel Factory gave us a couple hundred free pretzels, and though I never got time to eat one, I heard they were a hit. And to Mental Floss, for hooking us up with all of those magazines.
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A few individuals I want to thank as well. Vaughn and Eric of Axis of Evil Knieval came up HUGE, not only going out to Royersford to get the kegs, but then dragging them up three flights of stairs. Vaughn then stayed and help with the myriad of duties that we were working on in the hours leading up to the show. The show literally would not have come off without all of the help I got from a number of other people as well: Suzy/Ginger (did programs and helped grade papers), Trivia Art (did scoresheets and computer scoring program, as well as posted info on his site), D-Mac (promotional help), Chip Chantry (not only helped with halftime show, but also graded papers and kept score on computer), Corey and Liz (the bartenders), the WID, and Black Elvis and the Burnin Loves. Janella, Ms. Carol, and Ms. Michael at the Blue Horizon were absolutely a joy to work with. And of course a special thanks to my Mom and Dad, who ran a million small errands in the last few days to help make sure we got all the food, sodas, napkins, etc. we needed. Finally, thank you guys for making it all the way up to North Broad to play quizzo on a cool spring night. I hope you all had as much fun as I did, without screaming and cussing as much as I did in the hours leading up to the event (much of which was captured by the documentary crew, embarrassingly enough), and hope to see you again next year when we do it again!

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