Around the Horn, Brought to You By Ken Romney


  • Here I’ve been spending all this money on my teeth and not even making a dental vacation out of it! What was I thinking?
  • Wanna check out the venue for Quizzo Bowl IV? Tex Cobb is going to be honored during a great night of boxing at the Blue Horizon tomorrow night.
  • Another amazing wikipedia line, this one pointed out to me by Blind Squirrel Steve, comes from the wiki page of former Phillie catcher and current eccentric Darren Daulton: He recently claimed in a televised interview with ESPN that he has “skipped through time” and undergone “astral travel.”…He plans to go back in time and break Mitch Williams’ legs after the 4th game of the the 1993 World Series.
  • I wasn’t the only person to blast Wing Bowl (I don’t even think I blasted it. I just thought it was kind of boring.) This kid at Cornell got in some pretty wicked shots.

    Strip down the niceties, tear down the façade of political correctness, and you are left with Philadelphia at its most naked — unapologetically fat and perverted and disgusting for all to see. The bottom of the social barrel migrates to a small plot of land in South Philly to deliver a big “eff you” to the world. This holiday stands for debauchery, for broken bottles covered in vomit, for smoking in the non-smoking section, for savagely objectifying women without a shred of guilt, for donning an Eagles jersey and shot gunning beer after beer while the rest of America is tightening its tie and sipping its coffee.

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