Johnny’s returning to the Punkin Chunkin

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A couple of years ago my girfriend at the time (the one who hates Houdini) and I took a romantic holiday weekend to Delaware for the Punkin’ Chunkin’. It almost turned out tragic. If you have not already read the story of the pumpkin accident that nearly ended my life, I highly recommend you read it. Last year, I went down, but got their too late for the actual chunkin and just hung out in Ocean City for a night.

Well, my old freshman roommate in college goes to Punkin Chunkin every year and this year he rented a freaking RV so that he and his friends would not have to leave the punkin field the whole weekend. You can see why we hit it off so well in college. So I’m heading down first thing tomorrow morning and will be taking plenty of pictures and some video. And hopefully this year I can avoid pumpkin tragedy.