Well, the Florida win propelled Eric (above, middle) past Smackdown and into the title at the 3rd Annual JGT Bracket Spectacular, brought to you by the good people at Barristers Bar and Grille. I actually watched the game there last night with Smackdown (below) and Trivia Art, as well as Brett the Barber from the Omelette. I thought I could make my move on Smackdown when the Ohio State loss was inevitable. However, when I asked her if she needed a shoulder to cry on, she said, “Thanks, JGT, but I’ve already got a couple. Get in line.” Then she left. So I thought that went well.
So congrats to Eric, who gets the $250, courtesy of Barristers Bar and Grille (1823 Sansom). And congrats to Chill Rob A, who finished 2nd. I’ll see if I can scrummage up a 2nd place prize. To show you what a predictable, boring tourney this was, one guy picked the favorite in every single game…and finished 3rd. Hey NCAA, might wanna throw a few Cinderellas into the mix and make things interesting next year. I hate to say it, but this years tourney was the most boring one ever.
Oh, in case you’re wondering, I finished 64th out of 75 teams. That’s because of a computer glitch in the system made it look like I made some really bad picks. If it wasn’t for that computer glitch, I probably would have finished in the top 10. Probably. We’ll never really know.
RELATED: Final standings of Barristers Bracket Challenge.