Hunter Goes Out With a Bang

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Hunter S. Thompson’s ashes were fired out of a cannon in Woody Creek. As some of you know, I consider myself a die hard Thompson fan, and have given him various tributes in the past, including an unprecedented two questions of the week (could a third be on the horizon?). Not sure what to say about the cannon blast. Looked kind of…awkward, to be honest, though I appreciate the effort, and I’m sure it was a lot kooler live. Didn’t seem like one of those things that the boob tube can really capture. The media was kept off the ranch so the big stars (Johnny Depp, Bill Murray, George McGovern) wouldn’t be hindered. At first glimpse, that seemed a bit absurd. But I suppose I appreciate it, because the media would have made the story about Johnny Depp and Bill Murray, not about Hunter Thompson. They would have, I’m sure, missed the point, while covering a journalist who rarely did.
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