Quizzo Power Rankings


  1. Steak Em Up. For the first time in a while, no controversy around First Place. A 29 win on Tuesday followed by a 5th straight Thursday night win. They are committing armed robbery on the competition. Last week: #1.
  2. The Jams: Back on top with a convincing win on Wednesday. Will this be the start of another hot streak? Last week: #3.
  3. Duane’s World: Two 2nd place finishes drop them out of the top spot, and they barely edge out the #4 ranked team. Last week: #1
  4. L. Ron Hubbard’s Diabetics: Win one for the Armour seemed to be the refrain from L. Ron this week, as they won in their first week without team leader and pink pen provider Molly. Last week: #8
  5. Axis of Evil Knieval: While one of their players is trying to break Vegas, they hit the jackpot on Wednesday, emerging with an impressive win. Last week: #10
  6. Narcotyzing Dysfunktion: Blasted by the Steak Em Up Crew on Tuesday, they drop two spots. Last week: #4.
  7. The Ear: Not Your Typical Orifice. Nothing classier than ordering champagne after your first ever victory. Nothing. Last week: NR
  8. Why’s John’s Rum Gone: Most of the team takes a week off, but one member teamed up with a member of Savage Henry to finish 2nd at O’Neals and keep them on the board. Last week: #5
  9. Quiz on Your Face. A 3rd Place finish at the Vous. Gonna need to do better than that this week to stay on the big board. Last week: #6
  10. My Dog Peed on My Eagles Jersey: Apparently wiped out by Labor Day, they take a week off and drop a spot. Last week: #9

Also receiving votes: Lambda, Hurtin Bombs, 1022, Magnus ver Magnusson, Same Name as last Week, Death Panel II, Marty Doesn’t Foul, Kibbles and Vick, Tooth Wind and Fire, Unusual Suspects

Where Were You on 9/11?

The dual big days of our parents lives were when Kennedy got shot, and when man landed on the moon. For us, it was when the Berlin Wall fell and 9/11. On 9/11, I was lying in bed at my dad’s house in Virginia when a friend of my sister’s called and said, “Did you hear that planes flew into the World Trade Center?” My first thought was, “How could a plane get so far off course that it ended up in downtown Manhattan?” I got up out of bed, ran downstairs and turned on the news. Once it became evident that it was a terrorist attack, I totally wigged, convinced that the world was getting ready to end.

My sister and her boyfriend at the time had just flown in to visit from Hawaii, where she was living at the time. She called there the next day, and her friends told her to not bother to return. Everything was closing, as everyone in Hawaii realized that with nobody flying the fall and winter seasons were going to be disastrous.

I had been in New York two weeks before looking for a job and an apartment. I had found neither. I had been planning on moving there, but the lack of prospects coupled with the fear of another attack ensured that I would not, and I moved to Philadelphia a month later. I remember being absolutely convinced that this was merely the first in a multipronged attack, and every day for weeks, I just waited for the other shoe to drop. I swore I would never step foot on a plane again, and in fact it was several years before I flew again.

It sounds crazy now, but that morning I wondered if the two planes were merely the opening volley in an all out attack on the United States, and a couple of my friends and I decided to go to our favorite restaurant, The Exmore Diner, for lunch, since we thought the meal might be our last (I lived near an enormous naval base, so I thought they might be wiped out next.) I’m curious as to where you were on 9/11 and what your remembrances are of it. Please post below.