Shout Out to Philly’s Top 10 Comics

Just want to give a shout out to Philly’s Top Ten Comics, the majority of whom actually play quizzo at the Bards. They are also guys that I regularly perform with. Those of you who attend our shows know that we have a great group of up and coming comedians, and if you haven’t attended a show, what better time than the present? The one on Monday night was a huge success, and we have another show coming up this Monday at the Khyber. Hope to see you there.

Open Letter From Denver John Dicker Inviting Us to Geek Bowl

Geek Bowl
Dear JGT Quizzers,
John Dicker from Geeks Who Drink here.

JGT was kind enough to let me exploit his site to goad you into visiting Denver on January 30th of next year. That’s Geek Bowl, our version of Quizzo Bowl but without Johnny Goodtimes rapping. I pretty much stole the idea from JGT several years ago, only I let him know I was ripping him off so it’s all good. He’s astonishingly easy that way as I’m sure you’ve noticed. In fact, I’m married to his ex girlfriend and, at this very second, four of his former dolphins are synchronized swimming around the western quadrant of my moat.

Geek Bowl is worth your while. Several teams flew out from various parts of the country for it last year and did not send me hate mail afterwards. Go here for last year’s Flickr stream, here for our local alt weekly’s coverage and right here for our blog wrap up. As one player put it, “I left feeling like I belonged somewhere besides an Ewok bathhouse.”


Teams I’m calling out by name: Sofa Kingdom, Steak Em Up, L. Ron Hubbard’s Diabetics, Jams, Duane’s World: Your reputations and egos have preceded you — I’m looking at this here quizzo documentary as exhibit A. Sure, some of you can win against the same handful of teams that show up at the same Center City pubs each week… but what happens when you leave your waning, post colonial, er, post industrial burg comfortable surroundings?

You might scoff at the idea of being humiliated by Colorado Springs or even, yes, Albuquerque…but if you’re so confident then there’s no good reason not to join us. Of course, there’s more than bragging rights at stake. Last year we gave $1500, $1000 and $500 to the top three teams. We hope to do more than that this year as we’re increasing capacity to close to 500 players.

Johnny has given me his complete noncommittal assurance that he’ll be there so if you attend it’ll be like a UN delegation of nerds. I’m envisioning Hoosiers meets The Warriors meets the lesser-known works of Ted Stryker.

Tickets go on sale December 10th on You can link from our website. We can definitely use our site, Twitter, Facebook etc… to get some of our more altruistic teams to let you crash at their houses. We’re nice that way.

One last note: While I’d love it if even one Philly team makes it out, I’m not posting this for fear of filling seats. Last year we sold out in a week. I expect the same will happen this time around. Frankly, I just think it’s more fun if you’re there. And if you come… and if you manage to win, know that my regular teams will give me at least a year’s worth of s*** for having invited you.

See you in January.