Joker’s Wild Week Concludes with French Fry Thursday

We’ve had a lot of fun this week with the Joker’s Wild, and it’s led to a couple of big upsets. Will that continue tonight? We start at Ugly American at 8 p.m. Great beer specials and really wide open in terms of winners. No prohibitive favorite. On to the Bards, where the Steak is the favorite, but with Garbo vacationing in Eastern Europe (did someone just say “reality show”?) they’ve lost one of their big guns this week, so they are certainly beatable. Action starts at 10:15 p.m. And of course, I’ll have french fries to give away. All new quiz, so if you played earlier this week, you’re welcome to play again. Hope to see ya tonight!

Looking For Your Feedback

We’re headed into Fall next week, and our Fall Invitational will begin soon after that. Before that gets started, I want to hear from you. As people start heading back into the city and we start cranking things up, I want to know: What do you want to see more of at quizzo? What do you think it can do without? What can I do to improve it? If you’ve got any suggestions, please post them in the comments here or on facebook. I can’t promise I’ll institute them all, but I do promise to read and consider them all. And everybody who contributes feedback, whether positive or negative, will be entered in a drawing for a $25 gift certificate to one of our bars. Thanks!

Joker’s Wild Week Continues Tonight on Big Money Tuesday

We kicked it off last night at North Star Bar, and it was a lot of fun. Some of the tweaks for this week will make quizzo purists twinge (there is an element of luck involved, though not too heavily) but they certainly added a fun twist to the game. All new quiz tonight. We start at O’Neals at 8 p.m. It is certianly wide open there, with plenty of teams capable of scoring the $50 gift card for first place.

On to the City Tap House. I think this is the week things will start picking up, with the youngsters back in town. Action starts at 10:15 p.m. $100 gift certificate to the winners, and like I said, with these knew rules, it could be almost anybody. Hope to see you tonight!

Joker’s Wild Week Starts at North Star Tonight

Gonna kick off Joker’s Wild Week, where points are going to added up all sorts of wild ways, tonight at North Star Bar at 7 p.m. (I’ll be using questions from Thursday, so if you played this past Thursday you have to wait until tomorrow to play again.) Not giving away any secrets, but there are going to be quite a few wrinkles in tonight’s quiz. This is gonna be fun. Hope you can make it.