Here’s a breakdown of how people voted by race, age, gender, income, etc. Pretty interesting. Also, I hear Toronto isn’t such a bad city to move to. If you’re interested in leaving the country for four years and moving north, here’s what you can expect. If you’re wondering about how Award Winner Johnny Goodtimes feels about the whole election, check out “What went Wrong” on the message board.
Category: Weird & Wacky
Your Mama Has Fleas
After being reamed by Jon Stewart, Crossfire hosts Tucker Carlson and Paul Begala booked Conan O’Brian’s Triumph the Insult Comic Dog yesterday.
Story of the Day
Why the electoral college blows. The writer of this article disagrees, but he’s a moron. Does he really think that Americans would vote for Lyndon LaRouche if their was no electoral college? What a toolbox.
When Dictators Go Down
It may not have been the fall that many wanted to see, but Cuban Dictator Fidel Castro went down hard, and who doesn’t want to see video of that?
Story of the Day
Hey, here’s the proof of one of this week’s true or false questions: that Republicans enjoy sex more than Democrats.
Unbelievable Story of the Day
A dolphin i saw being born in 2001 is in the news, thanks to getting surgery done on his dorsal fin. And though I didn’t work with the guy in the photo, a bunch of my friends did, and they all say he’s a total prick.
Story of the Day
Jon Stewart defends his Crossfire appearance. (If you haven’t seen the Crossfire appearance, I highly suggest you scroll down a little bit and dowload it.) If you have a phone line, here’s the transcript of the show.
Stories of the Day
High Times is endorsing John Kerry. But fear not, Republicans. Pat Buchanan is officially endorsing Bush!
Story of the Day
Have you guys seen Jon Stewart’s performance on Crossfire yet? If not, you have to see this! This is the full interview where he calls Tucker Carlson a dick on national tv.
Story of the Day
With the playoffs upon us, let’s relive the excitement of last year’s biggest play.