Click here to take a test to find out which member of the Simpson’s you resemble most. (Sad to say, I’m Barney.)
Category: Weird & Wacky
Website of the day
Here’s some pretty kool optical illusions.
Story of the day
The Simpsons creators announced that Springfield is soon going to legalize gay marriage, and that one of the characters on the show is going to have a gay marriage.
Link of the Day
Here’s an interesting article about scandal at the ancient Olympics.
Website of the Day
I’m putting this one back up just to make sure everybody sees it. This is an incredible parody of Bush and Kerry. If you haven’t seen it already, you’ve got to check it out. It’s hilarious. Thanks to White Wilt and a couple of the cuties on the Omelette for passing this on. If you know of a great website worth checking out, please feel free to contact me, and I might put it on the site.
Site of the Day
Here’s the official site of the Darwin Awards, given to people who die in the stupidest ways.
Website of the Day
I’m putting this one back on, in case you missed it last week. It might be the weirdest one ever.
Check Out This Mullet!
Kid gets into trouble at school for having a bitchin’ hairstyle. Also, if you didn’t take this test the other day, you have to take it now.
Website of the Day
I’m the real Saddam, yes I’m the real Saddam.
Weirdest Website Ever?
This may be it. Warning: Parts of it are tasteless, and not suitable for work (don’t click on gennies), but most of it is ok, and downright amazing.