Choke Artist Latrell Sprewell does more than just attack coaches, he’s an inventor too! Not only is he credited with coming up with those spinning rims that we’ve all added to our Escalades, but now he’s brought the same technology to athletic shoes. Pre-order yours today.
Category: Weird & Wacky
Story of the day
Is your name hot or not? An MIT cognitive scientist posted pictures to with different names to see which names got better rankings. For boys, vowels pronounced with the front of the mouth scored higher. The oposite is true of women, fuller names like Laura score higher than those with smaller vowel sounds.
Website of the Day
OK, what’s weirder? That there really is a product called Mecca Cola, or that there are counterfeits of it. We at cannot decide either, but are sure profits will skyrocket with copy like this:
“One of the perversions of capitalism lies in the generation within oneself of the most brutal and the most inhumane part of oneself.”
Story of the Day
“I just want to spoon.” Haven’t been hit up with that line yet? Well get ready for it. The next big thing in NYC seems to be cuddle parties.
Website of the Day
When nerds get tattoos. Who knew there were people out there that think permanently altering your body with an Apple logo is a good idea.
Website of the Day
A few months ago Henry Earl made the Internet rounds, what with his hundreds of arrests for alcohol intoxication and hilarious arrest photos. It is always worth checking in with Henry and seeing if he’s currently incarcerated by the fine folks of the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government Division of Community Corrections. Be sure to click the Image History on the left for more great shots of Henry.
Website of the Day
Watch Will Ferrell as President Bush at the White House West.
website of the day
Finally, a website dedicated to bringing you the hottest in furniture porn.
Website of the Day
Finally! A website that tells you how to fix household appliances-in haiku form! The Samurai appliance repair man’s official website.
Website of the Day
Here’s the official Ralph Nader website.