14th Annual JGT/Shibe Bracket-tacular Is Up!


Alright, we’re back at it for a 14th year! Just go here, enter your email, and we’ll give you your code to enter and a 30% off code at Shibe Sports. It’s free to enter, and we’ve got several great prizes:

O’Neals and Founding Fathers are both excellent places to watch the games, and Manatawney is an awesome local distillery with a tasting room on Passyunk that I highly recommend. We’ve got a lot of exciting stuff going on at Shibe, and are in the midst of a major renovation. We’ll be having a party soon to celebrate. We’re also giving you 30% off just for signing up for the brackets. And be forewarned before you make your picks: Nova doesn’t stand a chance against Radford.


JGT Returns to O’Neals Tonight; Radford Watch Party and Quizzo


It’s Tourney Time, and I spend a fair amount of the tourney at O’Neals. And what better way to kick it off than tonight, as my alma mater Radford plays in the 6:30 play in game. So I will be arriving at O’Neals at 6:30 to watch the game, then kick off the quiz as soon as the game is over. Please feel free to hop on this Radford bandwagon as it kicks into gear, and join me for tonight’s game. Then play some quizzo.

Meanwhile, Sidecar will get a break from Goodtimes, as Boots Boccuti hosts tonight at 8 p.m. Hope to see ya tonight!

JGT Hosting Puerto Rico Evacuee Housing Fundraiser at World Cafe Live


Several families who were brought to Philadelphia from Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria are facing homelessness in a few weeks, unless the Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign can raise the money to secure them housing. The FEMA vouchers end for these families on March 20th. You can read more about their plight in this article in the Inquirer.

In an attempt to raise some of that money for families in need, I will be hosting a quizzo event at the World Cafe Live on March 18th. Live Latin Music will be played between rounds. Tickets are $20 apiece and all of the money (after room expenses) is going towards P-PEHRCs efforts to secure these families housing in Philadelphia.

“The families from Puerto Rico have already been displaced from their home and their land,” says P-PEHRC founder Cheri Honkala. “We can’t stand by and watch families become homeless again. We are grateful that Johnny Goodtimes has stepped forward to assist us in raising money to house these families.”

Tickets are available online here and can also be purchased from Goodtimes next week at his weekly quizzes.

Fire and Ice Week at Quizzo


Typically we do our St. Valentine’s Day Massacre this week at quizzo, but with the Winter Olympics also going on we’re going to mix it up a bit this week. We’re going to make it Fire and Ice week, with questions inspired by fiery passions, cold blooded murder, and, ya know, luge. See ya this week!


  • Market at Comcast
  • Sidecar 8 pm
  • O’Neals 8 pm


  • Locust Rendezvous 6:15 pm
  • Founding Fathers 8:30 pm


  • Birra 8 pm
  • Bards 9:15 pm

All Birds Quiz This Week


This week’s quiz is in honor of YOUR Super Bowl champion Philadelphia Eagles. It will be all about Birds…don’t worry, it’s not a football quiz, I’ll get plenty creative with it. Gonna be a fun quiz to write and a fun way to celebrate. Action starts tonight at O’Neals at 8 p.m. and Sidecar at 8 p.m. See ya tonight!

The Great Philadelphia Riot of 2018


As you’ve heard if you’ve seen the national news recently, there was a massive riot in Philadelphia Sunday night. I was in the middle of it, and my God, was it HORRIFYING. To some people around me, it looked like a lot of strangers hugging, but those were actually bear hugs. Those were people trying to SQUEEZE THE LIFE OUT OF EACH OTHER.

To the layman, it looked like there were a lot of high fives on the streets. NOT SO FAST! That was actually a game they call the “knockout game”, where people try to smack a strangers hand so hard it knocks them unconscious. It happens all the time in Philadelphia!

I also saw small children in strollers being pushed by their parents. Cute, right? WRONG! I saw at least two BLOWTORCHES in strollers that the toddlers would use later to burn down some buildings (see picture above. Started by a toddler).

One of the most horrifying images from the night was this one:


The poor young man, down on his knees, BEGGING FOR MERCY. Sadly, he was not to receive it. Moments after the photo was taken, the vengeful Philadelphia woman smashed his head open with that Olde English bottle. Horrific!

There were also people climbing up poles. Terrible! A lot of people might not know this, but scientists have recently discovered that light poles can feel pain. Yes! That’s right! So those people climbing up poles were actually hurting sentient beings! Or maybe I’m thinking of lobster. Anyways, whatever, those people are animals.

And don’t even get me started on the historic Ritz Carlton awning! Put up by Benjamin Franklin himself when he first moved here in 17-whatever, and a bunch of idiots standing on it destroyed this PRICELESS ARTIFACT FROM AMERICA’S PAST.

Last night, I took this photo of the view from my bedroom window.

Great Fire of London

The fires have been burning since Sunday night, and they are expected to burn until we all die.

Yep, Philadelphia is a festering hellhole that has been taken over by animals! Believe the hype, and steer clear! Will make a little more room for the rest of us at the SUPER BOWL PARADE WE’LL BE HAVING BECAUSE THE EAGLES WON THE SUPER BOWL!!!!!!