This Week’s Winners



  1. Quiz for Our Lives 83
  2. Quizteama Aguilera 83
  3. Two Heads are Better Than One 79


  1. Grinder Incisor 114
  2. Jawns 113
  3. Jerk & Squirt 103



  1. Johnny’s Dressed Up for Jesus 115
  2. Beast of Bourbon 113
  3. Shades of Death 111


  1. Duane’s World 125
  2. Jitney Spears 115
  3. Futlz’s Shoulder Soldiers 109



  1. Queefer Sutherland 99
  2. The Upstairs Team 90
  3. Dario Saric 88



  1. Failure is an Option 109
  2. Asahi Nation 108
  3. Moneyballz, ESQ 107


This Weeks Scores



  1. March Sadness 95
  2. There’s No I in Vernal Equinox 91
  3. Congrats President Putin 73


  1. Jawns 118
  2. Dark & Stormy Daniels 88
  3. Winter Stormy Daniels 79


  1. James Kro Medicine Show 126
  2. Do Not Congratulate 110
  3. Synchronized Trampoline 106


  1. Duane’s World 110
  2. We’re Paying Full Price 93
  3. Edward Snowed In 86



  1. Tempura House 115
  2. Duke Silver 96
  3. Ladies & Pimps 93



  1. Your Mom’s Chest Hair 103
  2. Snow Stormy Daniels 103
  3. Pleasantly Surprised 98

Interview with Melanie G., Whose Family We’re Trying to Help Out on Sunday


I spoke briefly with Melanie, who moved back to Philadelphia from Puerto Rico after the hurricane. By attending Sunday evening’s quiz at World Cafe Live, you’ll be helping out people like Melanie.  Also, if you haven’t yet, check out the story about the event in the Philly Voice.

JGT: Where in Puerto Rico are you from?

Melanie: Santa Isabel, where I used to work at Famous Dave’s as a prep cook.

JGT: How did the hurricane effect you?

Melanie: After the hurricane hit, I lost everything. All of my belongings and my kids stuff. Water came through the roof, and destroyed diapers, kids toys, clothes, everything.

JGT: Are you originally from Puerto Rico?

Melanie: I actually grew up in Philadelphia. I thought that if I came to a place where I knew my way around, I’d be fine. But since then we’ve been bouncing around house to house.

JGT: Why are you staying in Philly instead of returning to Puerto Rico?

Melanie: FEMA wanted me to go back, but the house that I lived in, the owner has her family living there now, because they lost everything. So I don’t have anywhere to go.

JGT: What goals do you have here in Philly?

Melanie: My goal here is to get a steady place, and get back up on my feet, and provide for my kids.

JGT: How old are your kids?

Melanie: They are 3, 4, and 5, three boys.

JGT: Are they currently in school?

Melanie: It’s hard for me to find a school for them, because I don’t have a steady place to stay, and I don’t have any money for school supplies, so I’m not sure what to do.

JGT: Are you working now?

Melanie: I don’t have anywhere to take the kids while I work. But my husband works full time at WalMart. We just need the money for a down payment on a house. After that he’ll be able to take care of us and we’ll be able to pay rent. We just don’t have the money for the down payment.

JGT: Any last thoughts?

Melanie: We’re all in a difficult situation, and it’s nice to have people who are willing to help out.

If you’d like to help out but cannot attend on Sunday, feel free to donate here or you can paypal me at Johnny at and I will give all of the money to Cheri Honkala, who is working to get these families housed.


Programming Note About Tonight

Hey gang, I decided last minute to head out to Pittsburgh for the Radford-Nova game (Go Highlanders!). Carl is filling in. Same game plan as usual, but Birra quiz starts a little bit early at 7:45 and Bards quiz will start a little bit late tonight. Probably around 9:45. Fun quiz this week. Hope you can make it. If you wanna follow my adventures in Pittsburgh, follow me on twitter. 

The Latest Info on Puerto Rico Evacuee Fundraiser


As you probably know by now we’ve got a Puerto Rico evacuee fundraiser coming up on Sunday at the World Cafe Live. An exciting development on that front: we’ve got a band lined up for the event: Foto Rodriguez y Amigos. Here’s everything else you need to know:

WHO: Anyone who enjoys quizzo, live music, and helping people out.

WHAT: Puerto Rico Evacuee Fundraiser.

WHEN: Sunday, March 18th, at 5:30 p.m. (doors at 4:30).

WHERE: World Cafe Live (3025 Walnut Street)

WHY: Long story short: after Hurricane Maria, numerous families were evacuated to Philadelphia. Unfortunately, the city has run out of money to house them, and many have them have nothing to return to in Puerto Rico. So we are trying to raise some money to get them housed. Many of them are working in Philadelphia, but don’t have enough for first, last, and security. So that’s where we come in. I would really love to get 100 people out to this event so that we can help at least some of these families.

All of the money after paying for the room is going to the families in need. So I would request that you help me spread the word as much as possible.

WHAT IF I CAN’T PLAY? CAN I STILL HELP? Yes, there are a couple of ways you can help. You can donate to the cause, either by clicking here and filling out the form, Paypalling me at johnny at (I’ll forward all of the money to Cheri Honkala, who runs P-PEHRC, the org trying to help out), or you can give me cash this week at quizzo, which I will them give to Cheri. You can also help if you have an extra, unused room in your home.


WHERE DO I GET TICKETS? You can pick them up from me at quizzo this week, you can buy the online, or you can get them at the door.

WHAT IS MAX TEAM SIZE? Max team size in 8.

WHAT WILL THE QUIZ BE ABOUT? It will be a general knowledge quiz, but with a Puerto Rico twist.