Here they are, our final scores from the JGTSpI. If you’re in green, you’ve RSVPd yes, if you’re yellow, you made the cut and have received invites. Teams in peach made the cut but I don’t see an email address for you. Be sure to get ahold of me if you wanna play. If you’re in grey, you still have a chance if some other teams can’t make it. Technically everyone has a shot….any team that wins this week at quizzo earns a wild card berth.
Author: Johnny Goodtimes
Pics of This Week’s Winners
- When Elephants Dream 115
- Val’s Pals 105
- The Mitigants 103
- Jawns 110
- Jerk & a Squirt 88
- KDOT 71
- Pog-Demic 109
- Double Stuff Oreo 106
- Greg Cuts His Chubbies 87
- Drinks on Max 117
- Maypoled in the Pratt 95
- Babysitters Fight Club 93
- Duane’s World 110
- Jitney Spears 108
- I Drink and I Know Things 88
- Big Boi Season 95
- Duke Silver 94
- Misfits 93
- F Boston, Get Money 100
- Byyye, girl, byyyye 90
- Charlie Bitcoined my Finger 86
Question of the Week
Schedule Change This Week
A schedule change for this week only: due to the Sixers game on Wednesday night, we are moving quizzo at Founding Fathers to Thursday at 7 pm. So this week’s lineup is:
- Markets at Comcast 5:30 pm
- Sidecar 8 pm
- O’Neals 8 pm
- Locust Rendezvous 6:15 pm
- Founding Fathers 7 pm
- Birra 8 pm
- Bards 9:15 pm
Hope to see ya this week!
Future Week at Quizzo!
This week, we’ll be gazing into our crystal ball and predicting the future with 100% accuracy. “How is this possible?” you ask. Simple, as quizmaster, I have powers none of you can possibly comprehend. And also a copy of the Farmer’s Almanac. So expect a lot of questions about robots and virtual reality and super robots that come to destroy the first robots I mentioned. It’s going to awesome.
JGTSpI Scores
Alright folks, we’re getting closer to our JGTSpI. It will be on May 20th…I’ll have venue info later this week. In the meantime, here are our current scores. Yellow means you’d be in if the season ended today, grey means you’re on the bubble, and red menas you’ve got some work to do. Get out quizzo this week and make it happen!
Pics of This Week’s Winners
- Team A Team 107
- Double Stuff Oreo 104
- Axolotlz 98
- Supra Ad Servitium 105
- Jawns 96
- John Goodman’s Ass 93
- Two Chai Lattes 111
- Bag of Chips 108
- Beast of Bourbon 102
- Jitney Spears 113
- Duane’s World 105
- All 5 in the Stink 95
- Must Love Pogs 113
- Queefer Sutherland 111
- Fistful of Dolls 102
- Dom and Michael 86
- Nobel Piece of Shit Prize 85
- Phantom of Process 84
- TM2 84
Human Body Week This Week at Quizzo
This week’s topic: the Human Body. Why? Because I’ll also be raising money for Back on My Feet, a terrific local charity. I’m looking to raise $500 to run in the Broad Street Run this weekend. Anything you want to spare, whether it’s a buck or twenty, is greatly appreciated.
Can’t make it out to the quiz but want to contribute? You can do so online here. Thanks, and hope to see ya this week!
Last Week’s Scores
- ??? (lost scoresheet) 101
- Oreo 100
- No I in…98
- Jerk & a Squirt 114
- Sleep Eyes 90
- Fin to Win 88
- Synchronized Trampoline 117
- Honey Badgers 114
- Queefer Sutherland 109
- Duane’s World 123
- Babysitter’s Fight Club 106
- Jitney Spears 102
- Two Guys a Girl and a Pizza Place 108
- $12 Truffle Fries 88
- Loneish Wolf 84
- Truth About Cats and Pogs 114
- MATH 98
- Meek Shall Inherit the Mill 90
- The Incredible Quizzo Playing Baby 95
- Queefer Sutherland 93
- White House Correspondent’s Diaper 80
Diaper Bank Quiz Sunday!
Didn’t get enough this quizzo this week and wanna play again? Good news, I’m hosting a quiz Sunday at the Bards at 2 p.m. It’s for the Greater Philadelphia Diaper Bank, and the entry fee is either $10 or a bag of diapers. Fun quiz for a great cause, and yes, you score 5 JGTSpI points for showing up and we’ll also have points for teams finishing in the top 3. Hope to see you Sunday!