Money Money Money

Here’s the Money Round From Last Week:Round Three Money

  1. How many petal shaped pores does a sand dollar have?
  2. Who had a hit with the song Cash Rules Everything Around Me?
  3. Who is the host of the show mad money?
  4. Who building will you find on the back of a 100 bill?
  5. What pro wrestler was known as the 6 Million Dollar Man?
  6. What is the name of Jessica Alba’s husband?
  7. This rocker had a hit in 70s with 2 Tickets to Paradise.
  8. What is the name of Brazil’s money; you can keep it?
  9. You’ll find Paul Newman in this 1986 classic.
  10. Who is the current Secretary of the Treasury?

  1. Five
  2. Wu Tang Clan
  3. Jim Cramer
  4. Independence Hall
  5. Ted Dibiase
  6. Cash Warren
  7. Eddie Money
  8. Real.
  9. Color of Money
  10. Henry Paulson

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