A big week at quizzo this week. Looks like we’re gonna have a heck of a day for an Invitational on Sunday, so you’re not gonna want to miss out. So how do you earn a spot if you don’t already have one? You just have to win this week. And good
news…both of tonight’s quizzes are very winnable. Things have been fairly quiet at both North Star and the Sidecar lately, meaning that your team has an excellent chance of coming up big tonight. Action starts at North Star at 7 p.m. $4 Kenzingers, half off mussels and hummus, and Name that Tune. On to Sidecar at 9:30 p.m. Dollar off all bitter beers and with Sidecardigans team numbers slipping since STeve left, the door is cracked wide open. Can you take advantage?