Giovani’s Pizza

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Me and D-Mac wen to Giovani’s Pizza (15th and Chestnut) a couple of weeks ago, but I am just now filing a report. Anyways, Giovani’s is one of those places where you walk in, place a quick order, and get the hell out of the way, but the staff isn’t unpleasant about it. I got a couple of slices. The one that really stuck out was the Buffalo chicken slice. Now, if you get that one, you have to go Rochester style and get the Blue cheese. That…was a damn fine piece of pizza. Now, a lot of people are giving me a hard time b/c they say to truly judge a pizza I should only order cheese slices. That is absurd. While I do not penalize pizza places that do not have a lot of choices to offer (see Lorenzo’s, South Street), I do think pizza places should get points for being creative. (See Mama Palma’s). Anyways, here was D-Mac’s take:
Yeah, it took me forever to remember to send this to you. Well, between my next-to-last place finishes in Quizzo and my nightly crying myself to sleep, I’m a busy man. But I thought Giovani Pizza was a pretty good place. The service is usually pretty fast and the pizza is usually pretty consistent. I think it’s a little underrated. The
pizza’s pretty cheesy, and not in the high school insult way, and it’s a good ratio of cheese-to-sauce, crucial for any good slice of pizza. Plus, I truly give major props to any place where two slices and a Coke is exactly $5 — none of that messy “change” business. Seacrest, out!

It gets 3 pepperonis. Try the buffalo chicken slice. Word.