JGT and the Philadelphia Union

I hosted a quizzo for the Philadelphia Union recently that went on the air Sunday before their match. A few notes before you watch: first of all, both of these guys, Chandler Hoffman (below right) and Antoine Hoppenot (below left), were really cool dudes. We had a lot of fun with the shoot. Secondly, Chandler was correct, Dennis Rodman did marry himself, though it was in 1996, not 1998. Finally, it was pretty awesome that the guy who lost (I won’t reveal who) was not happy about it. He didn’t get mad or anything, but I could tell by his face afterwards that he was displeased. As a guy who has been known to not talk to his wife for an hour after losing to her at putt-putt golf, I certainly appreciate other people who are as competitive as I am.

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