And so we enter a brave new world, one that takes place not behind a bar but behind a computer screen. But the more things change, the more they stay the same: we’ve got a lot of familiar faces, teams like the Jams, Zodiac Killer, Covid’s Metamorpheses, the Sofa Kingdom, Queefer Sutherland, the Missing Heads, and Duane’s World, who have been playing for over 15 years now. Then we mix in some new teams like the Tiger Queens, guys in Virginia who are friends of a friend of my sister. We’ve got former beloved Bards regular Pong, whose career as captain of Look Up! Look Down! ended with a move to Chicago, now able to get the troops back together. They’ll all be aiming at the early betting favorites, Boyz II Menehune, who have been destroying the competition so far in virtual quizzo. Lots of storylines, lots of excitement, as we head into battle. If you’re tweeting or posting about this to IG, FB, twitter (and you should be!), please use the hashtag #Aprilmadness. Let’s make a little history, shall we folks?