On Thursday, September 17th, Carl B. Sure and I will be hosting two simultaneous quizzos as the kickoff event of the Philadelphia Horticultural Society’s Harvest Fest. I’ll be hosting at the Beer Garden on 15th and South, while Carl will be located on the beer garden on 9th and Wharton. It will be a #Popquizzo, meaning the questions will primarily be pop culture related. Here are a few basic details, with more coming in the next few days:
Action starts at 6:30. I’d suggest you get there early. There’s going to be a lot of promotion of this, and the weather is looking perfect, so I suspect we’ll have really good crowds. Doors open at 5, so I’d try to come by soon after that.
Like I stated earlier, the quiz will be questions primarily about Pop Culture. TV, movies, music, and perhaps a few surprises along the way. Going to be doing more video rounds than we’ve ever done at quizzo before, so it’ll definitely be a lot different and more visual than our typical modus operandi.
Max team size is 5. We may allow a bit of wiggle room if need be, but there will only be 5 prizes awarded for the top 3 places, so if you’re aiming for the sky, I suggest you hold your team to 5.
The event is sponsored by the Philadelphia Horticultural Society, who I’ve worked with before and am thrilled to be working with again. I think this is going to be a really cool event. Hope to see you good folks there!