Hey guys, it looks like we might get a few inches of snow tonight. I spoke with the WCL, and they only cancel if a State of Emergency is declared. Not looking like we’ll get one of those. I know most of you are in the city, but if you are in the suburbs or out of town and are very concerned about traveling into the city in the snow, please contact me (johnny @ johnnygoodtimes.com) before noon and we’ll see what we can do (no guarantees, but I’ll speak with WCL and see what we can do…another option to keep in mind if you’re in the burbs: regional rail runs quite near the World Cafe). Otherwise, all ticket sales are final and the show will go on, barring a drastic change in the forecast. That said, I urge everyone to please be extremely cautious and leave yourself extra time to get to the event. We are gonna try to start right at 8 p.m. and doors open at 7. But I don’t want anyone in a rush to get there. Take your time and leave early! For up to the minute updates on the event, join the event page on facebook.