Quizzo Tonight

Action starts at the Locust Rendezvous at 6:15 p.m. They are having a $2 “Mystery Beer” this week which strikes me as rather exciting. I think they should also offer a deal: it’s $2 if you just get the beer no questions asked, it’s free if you guess what beer it is, and it’s $4 if your guess is wrong. That would be awesome.

On to the Black Sheep at 8:15 p.m. No mysteries there.

Worth noting: there is only one quiz this week. Sorry, but I was in the car for 10 hours yesterday and I’m working at the store today, so I just don’t have time to write another one. Next week, we will return to our regularly scheduled program, with a question of the week, 2 quizzes, etc.  The Autumn Invitational will be kicking off next week as well.