Wild Card Week Ends Tonight

This has been an incredible wild card week so far. Last night, four teams earned invites to Sunday’s event with Top 2 finishes. Unheard of. Tonight is your team’s last chance to earn an invite to the event. We start at Ugly American at 8 p.m. $2 lagers. On to the Bards. 10:15 p.m. $2.50 Lager Lights. A very interesting quiz this week from high art to the very lowest of art (art history is the speed round, pop culture for the wild card round).

We’re going to have a rocking crowd on Sunday. Here’s the latest head count, with more invites going out today to those wild card teams. We’ve got 13 teams on board so far, with several more wild card squads that I’m pretty sure will play. Gonna be a packed house. The only teams who have qualified who I have not heard from are Words w/ Friends w/ Benefits, L. Ron Hubbard, Magnus ver Magnusson, and Bears are Scared. Get at me, y’all!

Your Asthmatic Canary Could Use Some Whiskey

Here’s my column in the Philly Post. This is a pretty damn good one, I must say. It’s about asthmatic canaries, milk steak, and other hilarities found in the 1897 Almanac.

Before you watch the Sixers-Celtics game tonight, make sure you know a bit about the rvialry. Here’s a primer.

Hal Greer made our list as the 2nd most underrated Philly Athlete of All-Time.

Follow me on twitter already, slacker.

Friend me on facebook yo.


JGT Spring Invitational Update

This is the forcast for Sunday’s JGTSpI quiz, our first ever quiz outdoors. Pretty damn nice. Meeting with Kenn Kweder this afternoon to go over his music round. I have 9 teams who have RSVPed with a “Yes” so far (teams in peach have RSVPed Yes). I have not heard from the other teams. Please let me know ASAP if you guys can make it (email me at johnny@johnnygoodtimes.com). If I’ve not heard from each team by Thursday, I will give their spots away to teams on the waiting list. It’s going to be an epic quiz, and a beautiful evening to be outside drinking beers.

Wild Card Week Begins Tonight

This week is your last chance to earn an invite to the JGT Spring Invitational. Here’s how it works: if you can earn a First or 2nd place finish at any quiz this week, you earn an invite to Sunday’s Big Event at the City Tap House. Tonight is one of your best shots to do it. Avenue Hustlas at North Star and Sidecardigans at Sidecar are your two favorites, but it’s anybody’s ballgame. North Star starts at 7, Sidecar at 9:15. Half off hummus at North Star, along with $3 Kenzingers. All bitter beers are a dollar off at Sidecar.

As for categories this week, I let some of the last place teams pick them. Their picks were:

Art history

Video games


Public transit


Pop Culture

So those are this week’s topics (there was one more last place team that gave me a topic but I can’t remember what it was. Shoot me a line if it was you). Hope to see ya tonight!