All the teams have received their JGTSI Summer Invitational invites, and Sunday at 7 p.m. at National Mechanics will represent Philly against our
mortal enemies dear friends in Denver, Dallas, Albuquerque, Nashville, DC, and Austin. 8 rounds, 8 questions each, with the winning city accepting their trophy either in Austin or Philly, depending on who wins. We’ve got some top flight squads doing battle, and I’m hoping they all bring their A-game. We’ll average the scores of the top 5 teams and compare them with the top 5 teams in the 6 other cities to determine a winner. I’ll post the winning city on the site Monday. If you want to know instantly, follow me on twitter, as I’ll post it on the results the instant I get them on Sunday night.
New quiz starts Monday night! In addition to the bar tab prizes, I’ll have tix to give away and live music between rounds! Gonna be a great new quiz. Mondays at North Star Bar. If you have friends in the Fairmount area, spread the word please. Thanks!