There they are, folks. The illustrious JGTAI Trophies, the only ones like them in the world. And one team is going to be going home with them, as well as prize worth $300, on November 14th. I am in talks with several places right now, and should have a venue by the end of the week, so be sure to check back. Also, I am waiting to see what the Phillies schedule is going to be next week, as it will undoubtedly affect our quiz. But this week we are looking good and all quizzes will be as scheduled. In case you missed it, the JGTAI scores are up. Don’t worry, even if you haven’t scored, there is still time. But I would definitely get a game in this week. As for tonight, a great chance to put up points at O’Neals. We have yet to establish a consistent winner there for months. Action starts at 8 p.m. On to Bards, where we’ll be doing our final Tuesday quiz tonight at 10:15 p.m. (We will still have the quiz on Thursday.) Already talking to a few bars about a new Tuesday spot. Hopefully we’ll have something soon. Also, Mike Minion hosts tonight at Terrace Taproom at 8 p.m. The theme is Star Wars. Hope to see ya tonight!