We’ll Be Back to (Sort of) Normal Soon

jgtlogo5I know that the site has been sort of slack lately, but I promise that Power Rankings and such will be back up next week. It’s kind of tough to post power rankings when there is no Black Sheep or Ugly American quiz for three straight weeks. Sorry about late photos, but I left my camera at Steve-O’s house and haven’t gotten it back yet since Steve-O lives in a remote section of the city (Northern Liberties). Once the World Series is over, things will return to normal. Well, at least to as normal as they ever get around here.

Sorry gang

I’ve been a total slacker. Between the Phils and the holiday, I’ve been slippin’ a bit lately. I’ll be back in gear tomorrow. Yeah, the photos aren’t  up yet. I left my friggin camera at Steve-O’s house friday night, so I’ll have pics up as soon as I get it from him. Of course the schedule this week depends on what the Phils do. In the meantime, I have been doing a fair amount of posting on isportacus. A few things worth checking out.

Thinking about giving up on the Phillies? Read this post.

Once there was a silly old ant…

The greatest inspirational video of all time.

Should the Phils dress in their best and prepare to go down like gentlemen? (written last night, while I was still bitter about Game 4.)