Scoreboard, Brought to you by Bettie Page


  1. Why is John’s Rum Gone 114
  2. Young Old and Restless 101
  3. Federalist Rolling Papers 99
  4. Less Than Nothin’ 94
  5. Steve O. 91


  1. Narcotyzing Dysfunktion 111
  2. Sofa Kingdom 105
  3. Anal Bum Cover 96
  4. Acey Douchey 94
  5. Re-Sign Pat 93


  1. The Jams 114
  2. Millions for Defense, Not a Dime for a Senate Seat 90
  3. Sunny Never Rises 88
  4. Me Fail English? Unpossible 84
  5. Grateful Dems 75


  1. Gas Grass or Ass: Senate Seats Ain’t Free 110*
  2. Duane’s World 110
  3. 25 ta Life 101
  4. C-Section 88
  5. Senate Seats on E-Bay 85


  1. Always $$ in the Banana Stand 104
  2. Invincible Ignorance 99
  3. Where the Hell are My Friends 91
  4. Steve O 72
  5. Dude Abides 70


  1. Dimitri the Lover 108
  2. Hurtin’ Bombs 103
  3. Happy Wrong # by the Sea 87
  4. Jewish Mothers 78
  5. Dynamic Duo 67

*Won in a tiebreaker. Had to guess what year Johnny the Barback was born. GGA guessed 1983, Duane’s World guessed 1984. The answer was 1981.

We Got Nothin’ Wins at O’Neals

In their first game after the passing of the leader of their team, Trevor, We Got Nothin’ pulled off a huge upset at O’Neals. In honor of the win, they asked that the photo be taken simply of the things he usually saddled up to the bar with: his Budweiser, a shot of Rumplemintz, his Marlboro Lights, and the paper. Not to be overly sentimental about something as silly as quizzo, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I got chicken skin when I realized that they had won that night.

Pics of winners from two weeks ago

Yeah, i’m a slacker. Deal with it. And yes, the pics look crappy because i lost my good camera and have been using my iphone. i promise to either get a new camera or find the old one before this week. Anyways, here are photos of winners from two weeks ago. Underneath each one (except the first one.) is a question from the bowling quiz. One guess per person.

Out of the Office

Long day at the salt mines. Scoreboard, photos, etc, going up this weekend. In the meantime, I leave you with a question: What’s the best Christmas movie ever? I gotta go, top 3:
1. It’s a Wonderful Life
2. Christmas Carol (w/ George C. Scott)
3. Nat’l Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.

I’ve Got Zome Zad Newz

Zima is calling it quitz. Our favorite malternative iz no longer. I can’t believe they are giving up after only 15 years of abject failure. I can “clearly” zay that I have never zeen anyone drinking a Zima zince 1995. That’s why I think it waz primed for a comeback, and why dropping it now is zuch a bad idea. I mean, rich white people like it. Geez, first they cancel Crystal Pepsi, now thiz. Finally, can anyone explain thiz ZIMA commercial to me? It makez no zenze.

Quizzo News and Notes

Yes, I am running way behind this week. And tomorrow I’ll be “out of the office” all day. But I promise to catch up over the weekend. This has honestly been the busiest non-Quizzo Bowl week I think I’ve ever had, but I should return to a life of leisure in the next week and get all caught up. I am shooting this thing for Comcast tomorrow. I’ll let you know when it’s gonna be On Demand. Gonna take a while to edit and stuff. As for Quizzo Bowl, things are looking good. Unless this thing falls through, I should have an announcement before Christmas. In other quizzo news, The Jams won their 5th straight last night, so there will be a $20 bounty on them next week. . Finally, the last I heard, the Quizzo Documentary was progressing nicely, and the crew is hoping to have it premiere at the Philadelphia Film Festival. As for tonight, we’re back on at the Good Dog. 8 p.m. Bards at 10 p.m. Hope to see ya tonight.