Yo Kids

I’m off to Virginia Beach to go shopping with my sister. To make shopping more interesting this year, we’ve decided that gifts have to be homeade or bought from a thrift store. I already completed my kick ass homeade project and now it’s time for the shopping part. In the meantime, here’s a couple of Christmas things you might like:

Scoreboard, Brought to You by Me and Santa


  1. Young, Old, and Restless 98
  2. Why’s John’s Rum Gone 83
  3. Merry Listas 69
  4. Murder Book 67
  5. Baby Pictures of Ruthless Dictators 53


  1. Sofa Kingdom 93
  2. …Angel Gets It’s Wings 69
  3. 13th Grade 66
  4. Blue Ball Assassins 65
  5. Predictably Last 45


  1. Whatchu Talkin’ ‘Bout, Everyone 91*
  2. The Jams 83
  3. 1022 71
  4. Team Estrogen 61
  5. I Love Foot Stink 55


  1. Duane’s World 110
  2. Sexual Chocolate 98
  3. Ze Frosted Umlauts 78
  4. Total Strangers 76
  5. Who Throws a Shoe? 66


  1. Invincible 98
  2. Cotton Headed Ninny Muggins 86
  3. Hanukkah Harrys 84
  4. Duck Billed Assholes 83
  5. Ignorance 77


  1. Thank God It’s Them Instead of You 100
  2. Hurtin Bombs 91
  3. Axis of Evil Knieval 91
  4. Just the Tip 81
  5. Padma’s Arm Scar 75

*Won the $20 bounty, which they donated to the Covenant House

Quizzo Cheating Now a Hot Topic

Slow news week in Atlantic City (except for the fat guy with tiny ears story). Yesterday, a rather wordy expose came out in the Press of Atlantic City about quizzo cheaters.
The unanswered question at this trivia game – was there a cheater in their midst? With the advent of phones that double as online encyclopedias, it’s a thought that seems to be always on Quizzo players’ minds. “I’m pretty sure most people in here tonight are cheating,” said Alex Delsordo, 23, sitting with three other friends, all part of the team Jedi Knights. “We feel that, and of course we aren’t – so yeah, we get annoyed.”

Alex sounds like a royal tool. I could be wrong and nieve, but it’s been my experience that most regular, contending teams don’t cheat. Since we have a community here, regular teams know that their good name would be ruined if a cell phone was used and they got called out on it. Sometimes I see teams cheating and I let it go, because almost always the team that is cheating is like 40 points behind the leader and that team could keep Ken Jennings on speakerphone and still get crushed, so it is irrelevant. And I also keep in mind that it’s a game, so if a team with two players that isn’t going to win anyway wants to ask the bartender for an answer, I have no problem with that. And then we’ve got teams like the one at Black Sheep last week, who I told over the speaker, “I would appreciate it if you guys would be a little less shameless about your cheating. There were like 5 guys, all checking their iphones. But again, they were struggling to cross the 40 point plateau, so I wasn’t going to throw a fit about it.

Weird Wild Stuff

Ok, so I’ve been working on making my Christmas present today, which has involved lots of old photos. If you’re wondering just how freaking adorable I was when I was a kid, I just posted a ton of old photos on Facebook. (I think you gotta friend me first to see ’em, though. Ok, ok, so maybe this is just a desperate attempt at getting more cyber friends. Whatever.) Anyways, where were we? Ah yes, doing what I love the most, talking about me. I have also posted some pretty good stuff on Totalphilly lately.