Latest in the Metro

Here’s my latest in the Metro. It is about ways the city can raise funds to help pay off the debt. I have already received a letter from one angry Jerseyite named Joan, and am hoping to receive more. The letter read:
Hey, Johnny Smartass. I’m a jerseyite that has been working in this city for almost 30 years which
means that I have more than supported this city’s economy along with every other Philadelphia employed person from Jersey, by paying that inflated city wage tax. Oh, my Hummer which is disguised as a 10 year old Taurus station wagon is parked at the Speedline so I don’t have to pay the $4 bridge toll, which you mistakenly stated as $3. However, I would be happy to send you the $1 difference because that’s about as much as your opinion is worth. Have a nice Day.

She brings up a good point: we also need to charge Jerseyites extra when they get off the train.

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