Around the Horn


  • First off, anybody got any exciting plans for watching the Euro final on Sunday? Anybody know of any Spanish or German bars where people will be going wild (and where there will be Spanish and/or German women who are not celebrating a birthday that day?). Ludwig’s woulda been perfect for this. Got any good ideas, drop ’em below.
  • Posted a thing on Kerri Lee’s site lately about the origins of common phrases and cliches. Think you might get a kick out of it.
  • There are rumblings that the Phillies were stealing signs from the Red Sox in their recent matchup. This from the Boston Globe (via PhiladelphiaWillDo): The Sox played the Phillies last week, and one major league official thought the Phillies were taking Boston’s signs. Yep, cheating got Barry Bonds 762 Home Runs, cheating got the Patriots three Super Bowl wins, and cheating got the Phillies blown out twice in three games by the Red Sox. Mon dieu, imagine how bad we’d be getting beat by the American League if we weren’t cheating.
  • The Bad News: Making a dumbass rap video about killing cops while waving a gun around will get you arrested, especially if your son is filming. The Good News: Making a dumbass rap video about killing cops while waving a gun around and getting arrested is definitely gonna help move units of your forthcoming album. The kids love it when you keep it real!

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