Around the Horn, brought to you by Andre Igoudala (Video NSFW due to Cussing)

  • Check out my latest post on Kerri Lee’s blog. This one’s about strange festivals in May.
  • Quick note to Chet Bumstead: If I am flirting with a couple of cute girls after quizzo at the Bards, please don’t don’t grab my ass and scream “Come on honey, I’m ovulating.” It really hurts my already very, very weak game.
  • First the questionable goal, then the questionable penalty call. Did the Flyers get hosed last night?
  • Let’s Go Sixers! I’m actually gonna be at the game tonight (My first ever NBA playoff game). Look for me on tv. I’ll be the guy whose seat is about 200 yards from the court. Still, it should be a blast.

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