Real Quick

Gotta get to work on my Metro piece, but I got a lot to write about here, too. So check back this afternoon. In the meantime, a couple of quick bits:

-Here’s a funny sign Quizmaster Chris has noticed in the subway.

-Here’s a write up the Washington Post had up for City vs. City Smackdown.

-Philly came in 9th in road rage in the latest poll. We would have come in first, but our bullpen keeps accidentally giving the thumbs up instead of the bird.

-Oh, if the teams playing tonight have any hope of knocking off Philly, they better BRING IT. ‘Cause the Illa represented last night. Big time.

Vote for Diane Thompson!

Diane Thompson is running for Municipal Court Judge. She was a member of former quizzo squad Team Hater, so I knew she was good people. I asked her a few questions about the position and why she’s running:
1. What exactly are the duties of a municipal court judge?
Municipal Court, criminal division, is the court of original jurisdiction for nearly all preliminary hearings for felonies and homicides (cases involving juvenile victims are heard in juvenile court by Common Pleas judges.) MC judges hold trials for all misdemeanor criminal cases (crimes with punishments up to 5 years in jail, such as simple assault, terroristic threats, harassment, retail theft, dui, etc.) They also hear private criminal complaints. Civil division judges hear landlord – tenant cases, tax appeal cases, small claims up to $10,000, real estate tax cases, etc. MC judges work at the Criminal Justice Center at 1301 Filbert Street, at Municipal Court at 34 S. 11th Street, or at the individual police districts, such as 55th & Pine or Broad and Champlost.

2. Why are you interested in the position?
I like helping people. Many people who appear in Muncipal Court have no attorneys. (Defendants are appointed attorneys in criminal court, however.) Litigants want judges who know how to listen to their cases. I know how to listen. I believe that I have some ideas to alleviate the back log of cases. I would like to initiate more programs in MC court that would help with the non-violent drug crimes. Also, domestic violence cases are a big part of MC court. I have represented both victims and defendants in domestic violence cases and I believe that intervention is key to preventing more violence.

Continue reading “Vote for Diane Thompson!”

Back in BUsiness

On Monday, of all days, the site crashed. So I haven’t been able to post stuff all day. But the site is back in business and we’ll have plenty to talk about on Tuesday.

Last weeks winners

Alright, gonna post pics of last weeks winners. Unfortunately, I’m kind of a dumbass, so I forgot to take a photo of the Tuesday winner at O’Neals. They are supposed to play at Rembrandt’s, so I’ll get a photo of them then. All questions are about cities that are participating in the City vs. City Smackdown. One guess per person.

Baseball, Pizza, and Sex Toys

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Ginger, Darren from Devil’s Alley and I headed over to Camden on Thursday morning. But things got weird before I got more than a block from my house when I saw, lying in the middle of 19th and Bainbridge, a sexual aid, as it were (mildly disturbing picture after the jump). Things got even weirder when we hopped off the red line in Camden. The red line has cards which you have to put in the turnstiles to get you through. I put mine in, but I couldn’t get through. I tried time and time again to no avail. Finally I hopped the turnstile. That’s when the voice of God came through a nearby drive thru speaker. “Hey you, in the white shirt, you need to go to City Hall and turn yourself in.” The voice of God (which was female by the way) was asking me to make a citizen’s arrest of myself. It was then that I realized that it wasn’t the voice of God but that I had been caught on a surveillance cam (above) hopping the turnstile and that the voice of God was a woman who spends her day watching the monitor, waiting for creeps like me to break the law. The woman then called a nearby phone. I pleaded my case, and was given my freedom. Once that was settled, it was on to the game.

Continue reading “Baseball, Pizza, and Sex Toys”

Week in Review

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First, on Monday, JGT read the Philly Mag from cover to cover, then gave you his thoughts. At quizzo, we start with an upset, as This is Our Birthday Party, Damn It was the receiver of a birthday miracle, knocking off the Young the Old and the Restless, 101-94. The win earned the birthday party a spot at the City vs. City Smackdown.

Off to the Bards, where Sofa Kingdom essentially put it in cruise control after Round One and crushed Free Prostate Exams in Milwaukee, 105-77. Narkotyzing Dysfunktion was bowled over, finishing in the gutter with 71.

Johnny got to keep his $20 again this week, as the Jams knocked off the Fort Dix Invaders, 93-84, despite not playing with one of their best players. The bounty rises to $30 next week. An inspirational performance at the Vous by Sorry Linda, I’m Having Your Baby, as they only trailed the Jams by one heading into the final round. There is no need for us to discuss what happened in Round Four.

The Black Sheep was the most wide open race for quite some time, with a new winner every week, but lately it’s gone down as a battle between two heavyweights. Duane’s World edged the Satan’s Minions, 105-103, to win for the 3rd time in the past 4 weeks. This from a team that a few months ago had to have a players only meeting to figure out what the hell was going wrong.

An interesting development at the Good Dog, as Chill Rob A and Zombie of MAGMA teamed with Steve-O to form 2 1/2 Armagmians. The result was an easy 87-74 win over the No Talent Ass Clowns-and a lot of questions about the balance of power at the Good Dog. The latest rumor has a MAGMA member dropping out, and a new fiery squad emerging from the earth in the coming weeks. And whither Axis of Evil Knieval? All I know is this: things at the Dawg are wide slam open for a new power to emerge.

Blah blah blah Sofa Kingdom Blah blah blah win Blah blah blah Bards blah blah blah 101 points. Law School GIrls are Easy finished 2nd with 94. Now let’s go bowling.

Bill Moyers kicks ass

Dunno if you caught it, but a few weeks ago Bill Moyers absolutely crushed the mainstream media and the pathetic job it did leading up to the War in Iraq. No tough questions for Bush, no coverage of huge antiwar demostrations, and sheer laziness abounded in the lead up to the war. This wasn’t surprising from the TV news, since explosions make for great ratings, and we’ve long since established that they are not in the “news business” but in the “ratings business”. But the Washington Post and New York Times also dropped the ball. The beauty of being in the media is that they can constantly attack Bush and friends for what they did before the war without having to judge their own performance leading up to the war. Anyways, I highly encourage you to take the time to watch this. Just click here and then click watch video. This is the best thing I’ve seen on TV in a while.

Yeah, it was fun

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Darren from Devil’s Alley, Ginger and I all had a damn fine day at the ballpark. Got a couple of funny stories to share, but will have to wait till manana so I can come up with these questions for tonight.

As for City vs. City Smackdown, tonight is the last night to earn an automatic invite. You gotta win at Good Dog or Bards. Here are the teams that are in for Smackdown so far:
Young Old and Restles
Satan’s MIinions
Sofa Kingdom
Top team from Rembrandt’s
Steve O.’s team
Team that won Tuesday at O’Neals

And a couple of question marks:
Trivia Art’s team
River of Rocks
Trust Us We Know
The Team that Aways Changes it’s Name
Dork Sided

The Narkotyzing Dysfunktion is the only team that has declined their invite. Speaking of them, I do still have some tix for sale for the $10 all you can bowl all you can drink bowling party that a few of their members are putting on tommorrow night. See me at quizzo tonight if ou wanna buy tix.

Playin Hookie

I’m headed over the river to lovely Camden to see some baseball. Will get back to you this afternoon with some pics and reaction. Also, as soon as Metro posts my column I’ll have some pics from Goat Fest (hold out for online version of this weeks story. They had to chop up the paper version pretty bad to create space.)