First, on Monday, JGT read the Philly Mag from cover to cover, then gave you his thoughts. At quizzo, we start with an upset, as This is Our Birthday Party, Damn It was the receiver of a birthday miracle, knocking off the Young the Old and the Restless, 101-94. The win earned the birthday party a spot at the City vs. City Smackdown.
Off to the Bards, where Sofa Kingdom essentially put it in cruise control after Round One and crushed Free Prostate Exams in Milwaukee, 105-77. Narkotyzing Dysfunktion was bowled over, finishing in the gutter with 71.
Johnny got to keep his $20 again this week, as the Jams knocked off the Fort Dix Invaders, 93-84, despite not playing with one of their best players. The bounty rises to $30 next week. An inspirational performance at the Vous by Sorry Linda, I’m Having Your Baby, as they only trailed the Jams by one heading into the final round. There is no need for us to discuss what happened in Round Four.
The Black Sheep was the most wide open race for quite some time, with a new winner every week, but lately it’s gone down as a battle between two heavyweights. Duane’s World edged the Satan’s Minions, 105-103, to win for the 3rd time in the past 4 weeks. This from a team that a few months ago had to have a players only meeting to figure out what the hell was going wrong.
An interesting development at the Good Dog, as Chill Rob A and Zombie of MAGMA teamed with Steve-O to form 2 1/2 Armagmians. The result was an easy 87-74 win over the No Talent Ass Clowns-and a lot of questions about the balance of power at the Good Dog. The latest rumor has a MAGMA member dropping out, and a new fiery squad emerging from the earth in the coming weeks. And whither Axis of Evil Knieval? All I know is this: things at the Dawg are wide slam open for a new power to emerge.
Blah blah blah Sofa Kingdom Blah blah blah win Blah blah blah Bards blah blah blah 101 points. Law School GIrls are Easy finished 2nd with 94. Now let’s go bowling.