Ginger Thursdays…on Friday

Ginger missed her deadline yeserday, so we had to push her back to Friday’s edition. Today she talks about the Pen and Pencil and her Christmas wish list:

As many know, you never wake up the next day, with the notion, “Wow I am really glad I went to the Pen and Pencil last night.” For those of you who don’t know, back in the day the Pen and Pencil was a place for journalists to go, write and chat. Current day, it’s a late night destination for hospitality industry folk. Bathroom lines are long due to lines in the bathroom, if you catch my drift. Co workers smut it up- sitting on each other’s laps, throwing back whiskey and lagers, hoping everyone’s so out of their mind that they won’t remember who was making out with who the next night at premeal.

Now that I have educated you on the glory laden club, let’s talk about the lovely ginger’s christmas wish. I am asking the bearded one for a new late night destination spot for Philly. One with separate rooms, so you can avoid someone if you don’t want to see them. Possibly a Miss Pacman machine. Good craft beer like Sly Fox and Yards is a must. A bowling lane or two would be nice. Oh, and I don’t want it to be open every night of the week, because that’s too tempting and the lovely ginger needs her beauty sleep.

I am also asking Santa for a digital camera (time to stop the ghetto disposable thing),
knee highs,
an alarm clock, (currently using my cell phone),
more bars with fire places and mulled wine,
inspiration to actually use my gym membership,
a new computer,
this owl tea set,
A better neighborhood grocery store than save-a-lot,
A new advertising campaign for Old City’s Eulogy (nodody wants to read in the PW every week that you are the only Real Belgian-owned bar),
a partner in crime to help me bomb the Philadelphia Parking authority on Filbert St and George Smith Towing in Southwest Philadelphia,
a trip to Belgium or the Czech Republic, and
a new best friend, because Johnny gets too tempermental sometimes.