Quizzo Will Not Be Cancelled!

As you might suspect, Johnny is devastated by Tuesday’s events. First the breakup, then the Santorum loss; life hardly seems worth living. He will be spending the day in his basement, sobbing softly. However, he will bravely be on the mic hosting quizzo on Wednesday.

Vote for the film you wanna see

Remember when I had you nominate some films a few months ago for Movie Mondays? Well, we’ve already shown a few of them (Office Space, Big Lebowski, Rocky Horror), but we also thought it would be fun for you to vote for one that you want to see. So if you go to the right side of the page, we’ve nominated five films that you can vote for. Whichever film gets the most votes by next Tuesday will be shown on November 27.


Be sure to vote today! Here is an organization called clean sweep that encourages you to vote out all incumbents, PA Clean Sweep. Remember, when in doubt, vote against the guy who voted for a pay raise.

Goodtimes Looking Like a Genius

Well gang, we’re three games into the NBA season, and it looks like I had some insider info that nobody else did. The team that everyone predicted to finish last (and that I predicted to win the NBA title) is the only undefeated team in the Eastern Conference. Coming only a few months after I predicted what all of my competitors would throw at the RPS championships, the question needs to be asked: Should my writings and actions be taken as prophecy?

Name those song lyrics

I’m going to post pics of the winners, followed by the lyrics of various songs. You have to write in the comments section what song the lyrics come from, and the artist. Good luck, and no cheating! One guess per person.

Rocky Horror Picture SHow Tonight!

Hey gang, we’re showing the cult classic Rocky Horror Picture Show Tonight at the Trocadero. There will be a Rocky Horror troupe performing and selling bags of props for the film. Are you a Rocky Horror Virgin? Click “Continue Reading…” below to find out when to use your props. You can bring some props yourself, others will be provided by the troupe. And yes, we will be doing the Wheel of Terrific at 7:30 p.m. This is gonna be fun. Hope to see you there.

Continue reading “Rocky Horror Picture SHow Tonight!”

Week In Review

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It all started on Monday (as so many weeks do) with a showing of Teen Witch at the Trocadero. Now, in case you are wondering who listens to the Preston and Steve Show, it is apparently women who just love Teen Witch. I suspect that they wouldn’t do very well at quizzo. No offense, of course. But anyway, I told you there were gonna be a ton of women at this thing, and I was right. The Wheel of Terrific was pretty terrific, though Preston and Steve didn’t seem real interested and just announced that we were doing “some quizzo thing” upstairs. I hate to say it, but it’s true: Chip and I are a hell of a lot funnier than Preston and Steve. But they are obviously a lot more popular among the Teen Witch crowd. The highlight of the Wheel was when an unsuspecting contestant ate an apple filled with razor blades, though things did get a little bloody.

The 4th Annual Halloween Spooktacular began on Tuesday, as the Embarrasmintz returned to the winners circle at O’Neals with a 103-82 win over Johnny’s Wig is Atrocious. A team consisting of two women was called I Hope I don’t See Johnny in the Mirror tonight. (Congrats to O’Neals, btw, who not only won for best sports bar, but who also celebrated their 27th anniversary on Thursday). At the Bards, it was the Table of the Damned who earned a 95-86 win over the Dysfunktion, helped along by four points they earned by dressing up. Wednesday saw a blowout, and a huge upset.

Continue reading “Week In Review”

Thank You

Just want to thank televangelists everywhere for never failing to amuse with their crass hypocricy. Seriously, we should get a data base of everyone who donates money to televangelists and take them out behind a barn and shoot them, b/c we really don’t need anyone that stupid to be breeding.


This from the City Paper, about La Lupe: The chorizo taco at La Lupe costs $2. That means two tacos = $4. S***’s tasty, too — poked with sprigs of cilantro, smothered in an alarmingly green salsa and served with a side of sliced cucumber.

Hey guys, I’m no food critic, but I’m pretty sure that if you’re trying to talk up a restaurant, you don’t use the term “s***’s tasty”. Ever. Ever ever ever. Seriously. S***’s lame.

Other food news: We’re still the best at tipping. As a long time former server, I say, “Rock on, Philly!”