Remember to vote!

Yo, peeps, where ya at? We democratizin’ and s***. Vote for which movie you wanna see at the Troc on the 27th by looking on the right side of the page and voting. Word. Coming later this afternoon: The Week in Review.

Happy Birthday Eve!

Rumors of a love affair between rapper Eve and local quizmaster Johnny Goodtimes continue to circulate wildly in Goodtimes mind. “Yeah, things are going pretty well for Eve and I right now,” said Goodtimes, who has been sniffing a lot of glue lately. “So today, for her birthday, I’m going to be taking her somewhere real nice, like Applebee’s or maybe even Red Lobster. Anywhere she wants to go, provided I have coupons to said restaurant.” And for dessert? “Well, let’s just put it this way,” said a coy quizmaster. “For dessert, we’ll be going somewhere that starts with a ‘D’ and ends with a ‘N’ and has ‘airy quee’ in the middle.”

No go Toronto

Yeah, I blew it. I came home last night thinking I could line up a last minute flight. And I could have. But the tickets to participate in the tourney were sold out by then, so it looks like I’ll be sticking around Philly this weekend. Anybody know anything fun going on?

So that’s how you do it

Asked the secret of his staying power by a reporter who had watched a succession of women parade into, and out of, the champion’s room, (former boxing champion Jack) Johnson supposedly said, “Eat jellied eels and think distant thoughts.”

Mmmmmmm. Jellied eels. Your K-Fed headquarters

Apparently K-Fed rocked the house last night in Chicago, playing to a pretty decent sized crowd once the House of Blues decided to make tickets free b/c nobody bought any. Here were some quotes from the story:
-“Hey, I see a lot of fine ladies in here,” said the rapper. “You know I’m a free man, right, ladies? You wanna dance with a pimp?”
-“All my ladies,” he said from stage, “I love you to death!”
-“Ladies if you’re drunk, let me hear you scream!” he shouted. Later he added, “I represent the g–damned West Coast.”
– “It’s a party for K Federline. Gonna rock and roll,” he announced.

Oh God Britney, can’t you please just give him one more chance? Please? You can’t let this kind of guy slip away! He’s representing the g-damned West Coast, for goodness sakes! I mean, his album sold over 6,000 copies this past week (which is what I would expect to sell, honestly, if I released a rap album), and will probably end up selling around 2 million when all is said and done.

On the Fence

The World RPS Championship is on Saturday, but I haven’t decided whether or not to play. I mean, I thought I could find a last minute cheap flight, but that ain’t happening, and the drive is an all day event. So is it worth it to drive all day on Friday and all day Sunday to play RPS on Saturday? Not sure. Plus my little league b-ball team has a game on Saturday that I’d have to miss if I go. (BTW, we won our first game this past Saturday, which raises the obvious question: Am I the next Red Auerbach?).

Hey Rush!

Just wanted to say thank you! Wow, that Missouri race was extremely close, and who knows how many people who wouldn’t have voted otherwise decided to vote after you opened your fat mouth and shook your body in an attempt to humiliate a handicapped guy who happens to be pretty damn popular? Who knows how many people were leaning toward the Repubs until your drug addled brain thought it would be a good idea to mock the handicapped, and then rethought their decision? I’d have to guess that it’s more than the 2% of the voters who made the difference in the McCaskill-Talent race. And if Webb maintains his lead in VA, it will mean that your rampant stupidity will have cost the Republicans control of the Senate. So again, I say thank you!

Hey Don

I hope you don’t think you’ll be swept into the dustbin of history. Why, your legacy will never be forgotten. In fact, I hear that the dictionary is thinking of using your photo right beside the word “Failure”.

Must Read Philly Mag?

I’ve dogged Philly Mag a lot over the years, and will certainly continue to gleefully do so. However, I must give credit where credit is due: they have an excellent cover story this month on the murder epidemic in our city. And I also appreciate editor Larry Platt’s feelings on this topic: Last week, when our cover story on Philadelphia’s murder epidemic came out, it was met with some eye-opening examples of civic denial. The Greater Philadelphia Hotel Association accused us of sensationalizing because we didn’t say on our cover that “the murder problem exists primarily in North Philadelphia.” I responded by pointing out that we’re one city, one Philadelphia, and great cities tackle their problems head-on. Moreover, history has proven that you can’t flourish in the long run by perpetuating your own tale-of-two-cities narrative; you can’t maintain your soul while pretending that five-year-olds getting caught in the crossfire a mile to the north are not your problem. You do that and you can say goodbye to our upsurge in tourism, dining and the arts. You do that and you become Detroit.

Kick ass, Larry (btw, I’m being serious here, not facetious. I feel the exact same way that Larry does. ONE needs to be more than a logo for our football team. It should be the logo for our city.) This issue was so good, I’ve decided to forgive you for the parking lot debacle at the Best Of Awards!