Me and Lyle are heading out of the nation’s capital and off to Batimore to grab crab cakes. Lyle’s a west coast guy, so he’s never had one. Then, believe it or not, it’s back to good ol’ Wayne, PA tonight before we head to Pittsburgh manana. Art tells me that things went pretty well last night. Rock on. My night was pretty wild, as I hosted a little quizzo in DC. The DC crowd was plenty smart, but I’ll still take y’all in a head to head match up. In fact, that’s something that would be awesome-a city vs. city quizzo. If anybody’s got any great ideas for how we could do that, post ’em below. I just visited the Ford Theatre, where Lincoln got shot, and I’ll be posting about that this afternoon on the blog, as well as a crabcake report, so be sure to check back then.