Saturday night’s comedy show at Fergies was a tremendous success, as the place was packed for a terrific show. The only quizzo team that showed up for the free event, Spiro Agnew Got a Raw Deal, was rewarded handsomely as Johnny announced that they will get Four Bonus Points in quizzo as a reward for supporting his comedy career.
Month: April 2005
Question of the Week
April 19th is thought of as a holiday by many people because Dr. Albert Hoffman took LSD intentionally for the first time. What is this holiday known as?
You’re going to enjoy this
This website tells us that abstinence is ok. Actually, no it doesn’t, but it’s pretty funny. (And a warning: there are no dirty pics, but the writing is a bit tawdry for the faint of heart.)
it was the best of times, it was the worst of times for When Johnny Lies
With a perfect score heading into round four, When Johnny Lies, the Baby Jesus Cries became the latest squad to miss perfection by only one question. The question, “Who was writing the Mystery of Edwin Drood when he died?” proved to be their undoing. The correct answer was Charles Dickens. “Damnit! We should have been able to pull Dickens out of our ass,” said Pierre Butterworth of When Johnny Lies, who still blew away the competition.
Comedy Show Tonight
It’s at Fergies (12th and Sansom) at 9 p.m.You best be there, fool.
Day of the Wholphin
Dunno if you guys saw this one on today about the baby wholphin being born. The funny thing is, if I had taken that dolphin job last summer, this is probably be where I would be working now. The guy quoted in the article, Renato Lenzi, is a good friend of mine and is the guy that tried to hire me last summer. (Ain’t I hot s***?)
Why Tonight’s the Anniversary, Part Deux
Actually, the anniversary was this morning. The ship hit the iceberg at 11:40 p.m. the night before, but didn’t get swallowed by the waves until almost two hours later. One of the biggest “What ifs” in world history has always been what would have happened had the cargo ship Californian, which was only a few miles away, come to the Titanic’s aid. Here’s a good article on that. Now, I know what you’re thinking. “I wanna see the movie Titanic, but I only have 30 seconds, not three hours. Also, wouldn’t it be kool if the characters were bunnies?” Well, you’ve come to the right website. Finally, do you think Titanic was the worst movie ever? Let me know by responding to my answer on the message board or by voting below.
Why, Tonight’s the Anniversary
It was on this very day, 140 years ago, that Abraham Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth, who in my mind is one of the most fascinating, albeit undoubtedly evil, people in American history. For example, did you know that he was an extremely famous actor, and that his brother Edward is considered the greatest American Shakespearean actor of the 19th century? In fact, Lincoln had actually seen JW Booth perform a few years before the assassination. There’s some interesting info in this article. And here’s another one that will tell you more about the conspiracy (Lincoln was not the only mnember of the government attacked that day). Hmmmmm, I wonder if Lincoln might show up in a wild card round soon.
This is great
Dunno if you saw this in the paper today, but it’s pretty great. The cops busted down a door when they heard someone crying “Help me! Help me!” Turns out it was a parrot.
100 point club updated
After months of pathetic slacking by Goodtimes, he has finally posted teams in the 100 point club. Since his record keeping is, ahem, questionable, there are probably a couple of teams missing. If your team scored 100 and won or went to overtime, please contact Johnny and let him know, so he can add you to the list. Thanks for your patience.