Kissing Cousins

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Wanna marry your first cousin, but don’t know where it’s legal? Well, here’s the info you’ve been looking for. While it’s illegal here in Philly, all you have to do is drive across the bridge to make it happen. And in their biggest shocker since beating Wake Forest, West Virginia does not allow cousing marriages. Here’s some more facts about marrying your cousin. For example, did you know that Charles Darwin and Albert Einstein both married their first cousins?

Happy Birthday Kate

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Happy Birthday to Kate who played last night at the Black Sheep (she’s on the right in the photo.) If you have a birthday coming up, please let Johnny know so he can get your pic on the website. Here’s some great unintentional (?) video game sex. The first one is best, as it shows a boxing game from the 80s. Speaking of boxing, I had another hypothetical thrown at me yesterday. Who would win in a fight: Mike Tyson in the 1980s or a large alpha orangutan? While an orangutan would tear you or I limb from limb, I think Mike might be evasive enough to handle him, and it only took like three blows from Tyson to floor an opponent. I can’t imagine the orangutan having an answer for several blows to the face. I take Tyson.

No Quizzo at Doc’s

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Quizzo at Doc Watson’s will be suspended indefinitely, as Doc’s is now closed indefinitely. I will probably be picking up a new Monday night quizzo within the next couple of weeks. We had a good crowd at Doc’s and I hope we can keep it going elsewhere. Please check back to find out where it’s going to be going on.

Take off my pants and jacket wins at doc’s

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Take Off My Pants and Jacket probably thought they could get away with naming themselves after a Blink 182 album and not being trashed on the website. Wrong! Not only does Blink 182 totally blow, but one of the guys in the band asked my ex-girlfriend to the prom when they were in high school together in San Diego. No s***! She turned him down. It’s not her fault. Women have smaller hearts than men.