Foreigner Doesn’t See Urgency of Situation

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When Johnny’s camera crapped out on Monday night, he had to borrow one from a foreigner who told Johnny he would e-mail the photo to Johnny. It has still not been received. There are some who might say that this foreigner was as cold as ice, and indeed this behavior got Johnny hot-blooded. It was urgent that he send Johnny the photo, but that didn’t happen. This had never happened before. It felt like the first time. Oh well, one of the guys that was on the Doc’s team also won at the Dog, so you can look at that photo.

JGT talks to Local TV Celeb and the Orangutan Man

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I’ve been trying to interview Todd Carmichael for a while, because he’s going to do something rather ridiculous, and I love the ridiculous. Todd, the owner of La Colombe coffee, is going to hike to the South Pole to raise money for orangutans. Yeah, you heard me right. Todd, who has not done almost any physical training (but has quit smoking) in anticipation of this adventure, is trying to raise awareness of this animal, which will be extinct in less than 10 years if something doesn’t happen soon.

He told me to meet him at the Loews Hotel to do the interview on Monday morning, because he was going to be there to make an appearance on the local TV show 10!, which airs every morning on NBC 10 at 10 o’clock. Early on in the interview, Lauren Hart, co-host of the show and answer to this week’s question of the week, wandered over and began chatting with us. The result was a rather strange and interesting conversation, and I had the tape recorder rolling the whole time. Here are the highlights of that conversation.

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