-We begin on Tuesday at O’ Neals, where the Young Old and Restless continued their hot streak, winning for the 3rd time in 5 weeks, 98-94, over Tallulah and the Three Js. Dork Sided finished 3rd with 90. Tallulah had a comfortable lead in round four, but pulled an ’07 Mets and missed the final three questions.
-On to the Bards, where the Sofa Kingdom’s five game winning streak came to an abrupt halt at five, as the Narcotyzing Dysfunktion scored a 104-96 win over Blast of Humidity. The Kingdom finished 3rd with a 90.
-At the Vous Steve O. (AKA Milton Bradley: Some Assembly Required) took a perfect game into the 4th, but changed a couple of answers he had right in Round Four and fell to the Jams (aka Eternal Silence of the Spotless Mime) 106-94.
-The Satan’s Duane’s were none to happy with Goodtimes Wednesday night, as their formidable team was laid low by the “1991: The Year in Music” round. Truth be told, though, they still got outscored in Round Four by the Axis of Evil Knieval and fell by a score of 107-87.
-Thursday was weird. Real weird. Are that many people watching the Phils? Smallest crowd ever at both the Good Dog and the Bards. At the Dog, the C+ Average knocked off the RPD M****F*****, 85-64.
-On to the Bards, where the Sofa Kingdom fought off a spirited effort by End of the Bar. The two teams were tied at 58 after three, but the Kingdom had too much manpower and closed the door in Round Four, 103-88. In third place was Geekswhodrink.com, aka John Denver (all quizmasters must be named John). The king of quizzo in the game’s Second City finished with 79.