Around the Horn, brought to you by Bad Idea Jeans

-Have you heard about ghost riding the whip? I highly encourage you all to ghost ride the whip yourselves, just to see what it’s like. I particularly think Darth Ern will enjoy it. What could go wrong?

15 worst music ideas ever. Me performing “Flashdance” at Quizzo Bowl 3 did not make the cut, surprisingly.

-Did you know that there were porno games made for the Atari 2600? Did you know that one of them was called “Custer’s Revenge“, in which a visibly aroused Custer dodges arrows to have sex with a Native American woman tied to a cactus? Should I repeat the second half of that last sentence? “A visibly aroused Custer dodges arrows to have sex with a Native AMerican woman tied to a cactus.” Thank you.

The worst baseball trades of all time.