Quizzo News and Notes (Big Things Poppin’)

Ok, next week is going to be huge. HUGE, people. First of all there is a tv rumor to be addressed. There will be a tv crew at one of next week’s quizzos. I won’t tell you which one because you glory hounds will all show up trying to take the spotlight away from ME, Johnny Goodtimes. So just come to quizzo next week and you may be on TV. Also, the Jams eeked out a win over Lamda in Double Overtime last night, so the Bounty is bumped up to $25 next week. As mentioned earlier, I have a great comedy show with Chip on Monday. Finally, I am extremely close to having a deal for Quizzo Bowl. I am almost sure I will have it signed by Monday. Stay tuned. I’m pretty sure we’re looking at March 28th, so save the date. Oh yeah, and a new quiz tonight. Good Dog at 8 p.m., and Bards at 10 p.m. See ya tonight.

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