The week started on Monday with the birth of my 8 pound, 20 inch niece, Lucia Marie Sullivan. I smoked a celebratory cigar with my dad and brother in law on Tuesday morning, then drove back to Philly to get the quizzo week under way. Let’s face it, the questions on Tuesday and Wednesday were as tough as I have ever asked, and scores were pretty low. But before we get to quizzo, I gotta make sure that those of you who haven’t already read about Willie Gee getting fired at the thrift store do so, and read the ensuing comments section, as numerous people from the Eastern Shore challenge Palestra Jon to a fight.
We got back in the swing of things tuesday night, as the Young, the Old, and the Restless scored a 92 to cruise past the competition at O’Neals, and the Sofa Kingdom finally ended their longest schneid ever, winning for the first time in over a month with an easy 95-80 win over Narkotyzing.
LadyBird Has Flown the Coop (aka the Jams) knocked off Steve O and D-Macs team, Easy Round My Ass, 88-82, at the Vous. It was the Jams 5th straight win. I feel a bounty coming on. Duane’s World posted a 96-90 win over Toxic Megacolon at the Black Sheep.
A strange night at the Good Dog. We had a nice sized crowd, but I don’t know if I recognized a single player. A lot of new blood at the Dawg, and Nazakhstan came away with a 92-88 win over Salt ‘N’ Pepa.
On to the Bards, where the Hurtin Bombs missed 2 of the first 6 questions and then did not miss another one to knock off the Kingdom, 116-101. My ex-girlfriends team (The Birfday Squad) finished 4th with 91. We also saw our lowest score of the week, a 33 by I’d Rather Be Drinking at Drinker’s. Pics of winners, toughest questions of the week, and results of Constitution quizzo coming Monday.