The Deal on the Aloha State Trip

Alright, I’m leaving Sunday for two weeks. While I’m gone, Jam Master Sean will take over on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and Dark Horse John will take over on Thursdays. I am hoping to blog from Hawaii while I am there. Depends on whether I can find a cafe with wireless internet. If not, I’ll probably get Trivia “Foobooz” Art to help me out. We have beefed up security at Command Central, so any would-be renegades who want to take over this operation while I am out of town, be warned: resistance to my power will be futile.

As for my plan, well, I don’t really have one. Staying with a buddy of mine near Kona for a while, then I’ll probably get a hotel room for a few nights. Plan to fly to Oahu for a day or two and see some friends there. Am hoping to see the dolphins I used to help train, but nobody I used to work with is still employed there, so we’ll see. I do think I’m gonna go out on a boat looking for humpback whales, as it is humpback whale season, and my best buddy out there tags them for a living. Will spend a day on the other side of the island at Volcanoes National Park. Will spend another day doing drugs and snorkeling at Kealekekua. Haha! Just kidding. I won’t be doing any snorkeling. Other than that, just gonna lay on the beach all day and eat mahi mahi and drink mai tais every night. Hell yeah!